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Level 4 Contributor

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28 Reviews by KASEM

  • Blibli


In the past, bliblicom was truly a distinguished store that fulfilled orders and also returned the money directly if the seller canceled the order. Now the store has become very bad at returning money. I purchased a product on February 25,2024, and the seller did not ship the product. The order was canceled on Dibatalkan pada
27 Feb 2024, 22.02 WIB The money was not returned until I submitted a claim to the card-issuing bank to request a refund. Now as I write this review on March 22,2024, the money has not been returned. I am still waiting for the money to be refunded after opening a claim for the transaction and receiving a refund.

  • Stacksocial


Deserves more than 5 stars
I have been buying from them since 2015 until now, I have not had a problem with them. The support is excellent, it provides honest and reliable assistance and support
I don't like compliments. The store is excellent and is considered one of the best stores around the world. I wish them success.

  • Prismdrive


I subscribed to them with a capacity of 10 TB. But the service is very slow and it is not worth paying one dollar for the service.
Request a refund. They stalled and refused to refund the money.
Stacksocial followed up on the matter and obligated them to refund the money. Stacksocial store helped me a lot in refunding the money and forcing them to refund the amount.
I advise everyone and everyone is free in their decision. Prismdrive is a failure and the service is bad and slow. And the support is very bad and does not answer subscribers' messages.
Slow servers.
There is no support. There is no money-back guarantee.
The service is very slow. Support staff do not answer support messages.
In my experience the service was not good

  • Leeztv


The service is bad. The app freezes constantly. Support When you ask them for help, support does not answer and does not provide any solutions. The price is too high and the service is bad.
No money back guarantee is available.
Upon payment, you will be directed to a web page:
The service is purchased as an application. There is no description of the service that you are buying a TV service.
This is a kind of deception. There is no credibility even in the payment. You are transferred to another store that has nothing to do with the payment. So do not waste your money on a service that is not worth buying.
I wish everyone all the best.

  • Traveloka


انا كنت استخدم الموقع لحجوزات السيارات والنقل من المطار الى الفندق وايضا اسئجار السيارات لمدة 12 ساعة السيارات ليست تابعة لشركات هي لاشخاص يتعاملون مع الشركة سيارات متهالكة. قمت بعمل حجز يوم 15 اغسطس 2022 في لمبوك خارج المنطقة 1 حضر السائق 8 صباحا ذهبنا الى المنطقة كما هو متفق عليه في العقد مع ترافلوكا وقمنا بالعودة الساعة تقريبا 7.45 دقيقة. طلبت الخدمة في اليوم التالي 17 اغسطس من نفس الشركة طلب مني السائق ان اقوم بطلبه كسائق في اليوم التالي انا رفضت ذلك واخبرته انا اريد تجربة سائق اخر. السائق لا يعرف الاماكن ودائما ما نسال الناس عن المداخل للمواقع التي نريد زيارتها. في اليوم التالي مع اني قمت بتقديم عقد الى ترافلوكا وتم الدفع لم يحضر السائق وموفر الخدمة لا يجيب على الرسائل قمت بمراسلة ترافلوكا المشكلة الكبيرة انهم لا يجيدون اللغة الانجليزية يستخدمون ترجمة قوقل لترجمة رسائل العملاء. طلبت منهم الاتصال بي هاتفيا او اعطائي رقم هاتف للاتصال بهم والتحدث مع شخص يجيد اللغة الانجليزية لم يفعلوا ذلك واهبروني ان موفر الخدمة احتفظ بالمبلغ بسبب العمل الاضافي للسائق والوقود وهذا كله كذب من ترافلوكا وموفر الخدمة فقط سرقة المال. قاموا بالمساومة للحصول على مبلغ ******* من المبلغ المدفوع واعادة الباقي انا رفضت ذلك وطلبت منهم اعادة المبلغ كما هو متفق عليه في العقد اما تنفيذ الخدمة او اعادة المبلغ. مختصرا الشركة ليس لديها مصداقية في العقود ولا تلتزم بها وتتعامل مع اشخاص ليست شركات لديها سيارات وسائقين مجرد شخص لديه مجموعة من ملاك السيارات ويوقوم بتوزيع العمل عليهم لمن يرغب اذا رفض سائق الحضور تم استبداله بسائق اخر واذا لا يوجد سائق ولم يستطع موفر الخدمة توفير سائق ذهبت حقوق العميل هباء وتم اختلاق الاعذار من موفر الخدمة ان العميل لديه التزامات سابقة. لذلك انا لا انصح باستئجار خدمة السيارات مع سائق مع ترافلوكا لانه لا توجد مصداقية ولا امانة. رغم ان العميل يقوم باعادة السيارة مليئة بالوقود ويدفع اكل للسائق ويدفع رسوم الطريق والمواقف. لكن لا يكفي هذا جشع السائقين وموفري الخدمة يجعلك لا تستخدم خدمات ترافلوكا. وايضا تعليقات العملاء تجاه الشركة سيئة جدا لا يوجد عميل ينقل الرضا عن الشركة لانها ليس لديها مصداقية في العقود ولا تلتزم بذلك هي و ايضا موفري الخدمة. لذلك احذر ابحث عن شركة تقوم بتقديم خدمات مميزة ولديها مصداقية.



لا انصح بالاشتراك معهم السيرفر فاشل ويتجمد اثناء المباريات. وايضا ليس لديهم حلول وفي الاخير يتعذرون انه يجب ان يكون لدى المشترك سرعة انترنت لا تقل عن 50 ميغا وهو مجرد عذر للضحك على المستخدمين لدي سرعة 100 ميغا و يتجمد الاشتراك اثناء نقل المباريات. وعندما تسالهم عن السبب يقولون ان الشركة تقوم بصيانة السيرفرات والعجيب ان الصيانة لا تتم الا اثناء المباريات الهامة عذر اقبح من ذنب وفي الحقيقة ليست شركة مجرد نصاب لديه خادم يقوم بتوزيع اشتراكات من خلال فتح العديد من المواقع المختلفة وترويج الخدمة لسيرفر متهالك عنوانه
Spidertv. Xyz
Xyz لان سعر اللاحقة للدومين
لا يتجاوز سعر هذه النطاقات 3 دولارت
ويقوم بتغيير اسم وعنوان الدومين للخادم سنويا بشراء دومين مختلف من اجل عدم اكتشاف انه هو نفس الشخص الذي يقدم الخدمة هناك العديد من المتاجر التي تروج لخدمتهم باسعار رخيصة وهي عبارة عن سرقة ولكن بطريقة طرح اسعار رخيصة في العديد من المواقع ومنها ايضا متجر امازون تجد اسعار اشتراكاتهم ب 10 ريالات في بعض الاحيان ولكن احذر ان تشترك معهم فالخدمة سيئة جدا. الاشتراك معهم خسارة لأموالك فقط انا من خلال تجربتي معهم لا انصح بالاشتراك معهم مطلقا والبحث عن اشتراكات موثوقة وبخوادم ممتازة وايضا السعر الرخيص يبين ان السيرفر متهالك والخدمة سيئة. بالتوفيق للجميع

  • Brave


متصفح جيد لحظر الاعلانات. هو يعتمد على الكود البرمجي لمتصفح قوقل كروم المتصفح كما تزعم الشركة المنتجة انه يقوم بتقديم مبالغ ومكافآت للمستخدمين عند استخدامهم المتصفح لحجب الاعلانات ولكن هذه الميزة مجرد دعاية او تسويق لإستخدام المتصفح. كود المزامنه عند الاحتفاظ به يتم اعادة المزامنة كما كانت في السابق الاشاارت المرجعية والاداوات والاضافات ي المتصفح. العيب الوحيد هو عند نسخ كود استعادة المحفظة وعند استعادتها مرة اخرى يتم فقد الحساب والمحفظة والاموال المزعومة التي تدعي شركة المتصفح انها تمنحها مكافأة لمستخدمي المتصفح انا قمت بتجربة المتصفح لاكثر من 4 اشهر للتحقق من ان الشركة صادقة في منح ارباح للمستخدمين وقمت بتجربة حذف المتصفح واعادة تثبيته مرة اخرى وتجربة عبارة كود استعادة المحفظة ولكن ظهرت المحفظة والاموال فيها التي تم جمعها تبخرت ولا يوجد اي مبالغ رغم انه تم حفظ نسخة احتياطية من المحفظة. لذلك لا تتعب نفسك وتعتقد انك سوف تجني المال ربما اذا الشركة فعلا قامت بالمحافظة ومزامنة مبلغ المحفظة في حال قمت بنقل المحفظة الى جهاز اخر او استخمتها على جهاز اخر. المتصفح مميز في حظر الاعلانات ولكنه ليس بامكانات متصفح كروم ومايكروسفت ايدج وهو كمال الحال مع متصفح مايكروسفت ايدج يعتمد على الكود البرمجي لمتصفح قوقل كروم وربما تقوم الشركة بتقديم طريقة لحماية المبالغ للمستخدمين وعدم فقدانها عند نقل المحفظة من جهاز الى جهاز بواسطة عبارة الإسترداد لإسترداد الحساب المشفر بواسطة عبارة الإسترداد. بالتوفيق

Tip for consumers:
متصفح جيد ولكن يحتاج الى المحافظة على اموال مستخدمي المحفظة في المتصفح . اذا كانت الشركة المنتجة فعلا كما تزعم انها تقدم مكافآت للمستخدمين .

Products used:
متصفح جيد ولكن يحتاج الى المحافظة على اموال مستخدمي المحفظة في المتصفح . اذا كانت الشركة المنتجة فعلا كما تزعم انها تقدم مكافآت للمستخدمين .

  • Ship To Box


I don't recommend them
The actual or volumetric weight is calculated too high. I used their services in the past, but their prices became high. I sent a shipment to them with an Intel processor whose weight does not exceed 1LB. Their weight was calculated as 4LBS, and when they handed it over to the carrier, they calculated the shipping weight for Aramex as 1.55LBS, which actually does not exceed 1LB.
Note that they calculated it for Aramex the weight is 1.55LBS and in my account they calculated it 4LBS
Everyone knows the weight of the Intel processor does not exceed the weight of the processor is more than 1LB.
My experience with them was in the past and I stopped dealing with them in directing shipments because of their high prices. But one of their employees contacted me asking to use my account with them again and they changed the service and became better and the prices were lower. But I was surprised that the service itself, the delay is still present and the prices are still high. Best wishes

  • Julimarks


I purchased a product from this store: TechSmith Snagit 2020 1.5 Lifetime License Key - Windows
The store sent a fake key: Code: 2MUCC-5DCCP-98AY8-V84MM-742FR
I am reviewing the manufacturer about any license and verify it.
The license is not real it is fake.
Beware of them, they steal money by selling fake licenses.
I put this review in order to be aware of them. We must all fight fraud in stores around the world. This is the duty of all of us.
Thank you



Beware this site is a scam site. It is not affiliated with Xiaomi
He is making offers that are not correct. Beware of them
Beware of them you are losing your money. The owner of the site is Arab, and his name is Ayoub, from Morocco.
View domain details here:

  • Joybuy


Before you venture and buy products at high prices from the store watch out. The store is giving up the warranty. He doesn't answer the issues. It offers no solutions. You're going to lose your money. Don't buy expensive products from the store. There's no guarantee. The store is very bad and does not provide help or warranty after sale.
I don't recommend buying from the store at all.
I bought the MI AMAZFIT STRATOS Smart watch that broke down after about 3 months I filed a warranty claim I did not get a response to the case until 45 days later and the solution was to close the case only. I advise you not to waste your money with them.

  • Simpletelly


I had a lifetime subscription.
Close the account and end the subscription.
Do not trust them. A fraudulent site that does not adhere to the agreement.
I sent many messages to them. They were also contacted by a buying agent, StackSocial. They did not answer the messages.
Beware of them.

  • Ethiopiaevisa


Important Notice!

We have come to know that there are some fraud websites which have similar look and feel with our official visa website. Please note that the Ethiopian Government doesn't have any agreement with the owners of those websites. Any visa application submitted or payment made through these websites is not acceptable. Please do not submit visa application on,, or others. The Government of Ethiopia is not responsible for any payments made or for the inconveniences this might create on the applicants.

  • Evisaforethiopia


Important Notice!

We have come to know that there are some fraud websites which have similar look and feel with our official visa website. Please note that the Ethiopian Government doesn't have any agreement with the owners of those websites. Any visa application submitted or payment made through these websites is not acceptable. Please do not submit visa application on,,
Or others.
The Government of Ethiopia is not responsible for any payments made or for the inconveniences this might create on the applicants.

  • Lifetime Hosting


Thief. I lost all my websites because of them. They're thieves stealing clients' money.
Beware of them.

  • Fordeal


I bought them. They sent incomplete products.
I called support and no one answers.
Beware of them don't pay them with credit cards.
If you pay on delivery check the contents of the shipment is it complete. They do not ship all products complete.
I do not recommend buying them their poor quality products.

  • Norton Shopping Gurantee


This site is a liar and a failure.
Does not offer warranty service. They are lying and deceiving customers
Do not trust them.
Do not buy from any store with their mark. Because they are not honest and do not provide security on purchases.

Tip for consumers:
Beware of them .

Thumbnail of user nortong2
Norton-Shopping-Guarantee N. – Norton Shopping Gurantee Rep

Hello Kasem. We are happy to review your concern. Please email us at and include the guarantee number you were assigned, as well as the issue you had with the merchant you purchased from. We look forward to hearing from you. Regards NSG



This link to their website:

My advice to you is you are in the right place to get a premium service.

I've applied for a visa from their website. They gave me the service excellently. I offer them all the thanks and appreciation for the service they offer.
Connect them with excellent email.
Their employee received me at the airport and the termination of the entry procedures.
I would recommend them to those who wish to obtain a visa to travel to Vietnam. They offer excellent service.
Thank you for reading.

  • eVietnamVisa


I have applied for a visa from his website and asked him to send it to his embassy in the Philippines. I contacted him before and told me that the Vietnamese Embassy in the Philippines was only taking $ 25 for processing.
I went to his embassy in the Philippines and when I applied to the employee he told me I had to pay 6400 pesos for processing the equivalent of 125 US dollars.
She refused. I contacted them to clarify the problem and that the embassy asked me $ 125. I paid them $ 80. Their response was nothing to pay. I asked them to give me the letter of consent to enter Vietnam and to end the procedures from the airport also they refused.
Beware of them you will lose your money. I lost money because of their disdain and lies.

Tip for consumers:
Beware is a loss for money only.

  • GetYourGuide


The places where they are going do not apply with the description in the application.
The places where they are going do not apply with the description in the application.
In the car there is no water and there is no place to rest when tired.
All details are incorrect.
The restaurant you have to pay money to eat the sprite juice.
In the restaurant there is no water and you should buy it.
The service is bad at the restaurant and you are required to pay the money.
You are asked to pay money in the restaurant.
The meals available in the restaurant are not good.
The restaurant is poorly clean.

I do not recommend buying the package.
Honestly. A bad experience

The best thing on the trip: The driver was very excellent.

KASEM Has Earned 44 Votes

Kasem F.'s review of Borderlinx earned a Well Said vote

Kasem F.'s review of Borderlinx earned 11 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of Ship2You earned 3 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of earned 2 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of Until Gone earned 4 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of earned a Well Said vote

Kasem F.'s review of Groupon AE earned 3 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of GetYourGuide earned a Very Helpful vote

Kasem F.'s review of PT Global Tiket Network earned a Very Helpful vote

Kasem F.'s review of earned 2 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of earned a Very Helpful vote

Kasem F.'s review of Fordeal earned 3 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of Lifetime Hosting earned 5 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of Joybuy earned 4 Very Helpful votes

Kasem F.'s review of Norton Shopping Gurantee earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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