Khan Academy has a rating of 2.7 stars from 88 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Khan Academy ranks 87th among Math sites.
Khan Academy is a app that is free. But does free = good?
First of all, if you get ONE question wrong, you have to restart the whole $#*! lesson... Made me use a calculator for everything, even if I'm not using Khan...
The videos? Well they make NO SENSE!1! They are useless, nothing else much.
Overall, this app is SH*T!11!1! Its only good if you need to use it for studying, but when you are forced to do it... well. Yeah.
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Man tbh idk... I just make my own questions and check them by using a calculator
Date of experience: September 23, 2024
This is better than xtramath, but that doesn't mean its really that nice, first of all, you don't really get to see what you gotta do, which is learn, second of all, its a bit boring and it punishes you too much for getting a question wrong, and also they used the prodigy level up sound, and also, the "levels" don't really make you seem cool, this is a alright program but its not the best
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Date of experience: February 12, 2023
I was doing it one day at a house and my cousins were playing darts. One of my cousins gave me a dart, and was joking that I would blindly hit the dartboard or wall. 2 seconds later I got a question wrong on K.A. I was so mad I threw the dart, hit the dartboard, and broke it in half. I started crying for 20 minutes.
Date of experience: March 24, 2023
Khan Academy will ruin your life. Trust me. Nothing good comes out of it. Don't use it. Don't tell anyone else to use it. It does only harm to your academics. I used to have all A's and 1 or 2 B's on my report card. Then, someone suggested Khan Academy and I started using it right away. Then I got F's and D's on my report cards. I stopped using it ASAP. After trying other programs I got to all A's again. Don't go through what I did. Skip the hard part and NEVER use Khan Academy.
Date of experience: October 20, 2022
My teacher introduced it to us and our class loved it, they give you videos to help you understand what you are learning and you can earn energy points. You can also get better characters with energy points. If you are looking for a math game, this is one you should be looking for ( tip: do not try st math it sucks) khan academy is one of the best math
Games out there and I would recommend it to lots of kids.
Tip for consumers:
St math sucks
Products used:
Khan academy
Date of experience: April 15, 2023
My dog did Khan Academy and commited suicide. Due to getting the last question wrong on the pre test.
My dog is DEAD. I do not care but my fish started doing it and went into khan academy and went into a coma. Frick u.
Date of experience: October 8, 2023
I've been using Khan academy since grade 9 and it has always been easier to understand and more helpful than any of my teachers where. I really appreciate its free and if I had the money to donate or subscribe I would. All you need is your personal initiative to do well and some focus. These videos helped a lot!
Date of experience: November 29, 2020
Khan academy is the best learning website I've ever seen. I've been using it since 4th grade and it's lessons really help. Now I use it as a supplement to the zoom classes/edgenuity (Tip, NEVER use edgenuity) hybrid I do now. Sal Khan explains concepts in a clear way, and the questions are relevant to the videos. Their JavaScript lessons introduced me into computer science, and their World History lessons helped me win the geography bee at my school last year. The badges you get from lessons give students a sense of progress and something to work for. Khan academy works great for online distance learning, a supplement to regular lessons, and works well if you want to learn something. Plus it's 100% free.
Date of experience: October 28, 2020
Khan Academy is a really good studying tool. The instructor explains things in user- friendly terms and gives helpful tips to remember things. What's amazing too is they have practice test that gives answers and explanations. Even if you get a question wrong you can see why it's wrong and in return correct your mistakes. So not only are you learning in the tutorial you are also learning is the practice test. Khan academy have the tools to really make you grasp the concept of something. This whole organization has been a study partner and tutor for me. Now that's how teach math!
Date of experience: December 14, 2015
Its a very good site. I can believe you said its bad just because its boring! Its still educational! And also, you clearly just don't like learning. If you don't understand something, watch a video! You don't need to always get 100%, and in your stats, your first score will be your forever score on it. And why did you say Khan Academy costs money? Please don't listen to that scammer, it doesn't cost money! In fact, Sal Khan, the creator of Khan Academy, is literally famous for creating a FREE online school.
Tip for consumers:
watch videos if you don't understand how to do something. And people, stop giving websites bad ratings due to ONE problem.
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My own experience obviously.
Date of experience: March 25, 2021
If you ever have spare time and want to learn a thing or two about something maybe you never even thought you might be interested in, this is definitely the sight for you. The sight was established for those who could not somehow get an education (mostly due to financial issues). It is a great website and the best part is, it's FREE!
Date of experience: October 18, 2012
Khan Academy is great! You can learn so much. I learnt how to do trigonometry, then trigonometry with radians, how to solve some one-dimensional motion physics word problems, cryptography, and yet I'm still learning! It's a great way to study for tests and just having fun while learning!
Date of experience: August 20, 2019
Not learning anything from this. The creator needs to learn how to talk. It's always "Sal meant this" or "Sal meant that" maybe instead of doing one problem for 10 minutes in a video, how about you just tell me the formula so I can do just not that one problem.
Date of experience: May 6, 2021
I've seen worse math websites(aleks) but this one is still
Not up to scratch
Not up to par
Not up to snuff
The pits
A load of pants
View 3 vulgar slang words
Regrettable and
Date of experience: November 7, 2022
Khan Academy is terrible. Khan gives a complcated formula, which is fine, but Khan poorly or does not define what each variable—of several—means. Complicated formulae are easy, just plug in; but one has to say what each variable stands for. Khan is much too minimalistic, where one is puzzled how F01 is derived, "add all the scores," or "input the greatetst score," or, "average the scores." Instead, there is no defining the variables. Khan is ridiculous. Khan is no help for the SAT, for instance, because Khan is is trying to say in one sentence what requires six sentences.
Date of experience: October 23, 2022
If you're trying to learn things because you missed school that day, or you just want to review some things, this is a pretty good site. The videos are pretty easy to follow, and the interface is easy to navigate and find what you need. Though, I wouldn't suggest using it as the only source you're going to use. It's not the best, but better than many other sites. (Teachers, if you're reading this, use Khan Academy instead of the dumpster fire that is Edgenuity. Just don't make your students use Edgenuity.)
Date of experience: May 8, 2020
I had been doing khan academy for a while when it restarted all my progress. I summited a problem to customer survive but it has been a week now and I have heard nothing from them. It is very frustrating.
Besides that khan academy it a good teaching app.
Tip for consumers:
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Date of experience: July 26, 2022
Khan is said to teach math, they do give math problems and videos yet they don't explain it that well, and its not "fun" or in other words, we kids don't really want to play on it due to it being just math and nothing else, no fun! I would not recommend this for people who like fun in education but I would for those who just want to study study study and have there mind just set on the one task: master this skill. 3/5,1 point for encouragement and the other point for explaining.
Date of experience: January 8, 2020
I think Khan Academy should be banned from school and we should only use it if we want to. I have been forced to use Khan Academy for school and it is the worst math tool I have ever used. I would never in a million years recommend this to anyone. I have not learned one thing from this website. If you are reading this to see if you should use Khan please don't you will regret it the moment you start.
Date of experience: October 24, 2020
My dad made me do Khan Academy because i was 4 parallel universes ahead of everybody and i wasn't doing enough work for online school.
I signed up for GRADE SIX math and the first question they ask me is duh, what's 5+3.
Another thing is you cannot restart quizzes. I accidentally pressed the wrong button and checked because that's what i always do and i had to do the rest of the quiz! Without all these fixes i cannot say Khan Academy is a good learning website for any reason at all.
Date of experience: April 22, 2020
I tried it and it is so $#*!ing dumb, half the time the answer is the same but the dots are on another part but the line is the same, or the answer is the $#*!ing answer but nope don't $#*!ing care, and sometimes like 5x3 he get 500, this is the worst and for teachers/parents, don't use this $#*!ty service.
Date of experience: January 30, 2022
Don't do khan academy because you have to pay when you want to sign up. But it is free to schools and that's the only thing that's good. And if you want to get untill 100% you have to do itagain. And if you get questions wrong, then you have to do it over again that stresses me out.
Date of experience: August 6, 2020
Khan Academy could be a very helpful website if we could tweak a few things. First, once a person mastered a skill it should STAY mastered. I would suggest teaching the subject before you try to do it and take kids averages down. And DUMP AND DITCH Sal! He has a lazy way of talking that is hard for kids to pay attention too him and his handwriting could use improvement. This was NOT intended to be mean review but SERIOUSLY MAN no one wants to listen to you talk for 10 hours!
Date of experience: April 28, 2019
Khan Academy is definetly a step up from IXL (tip: NEVER USE IXL). But it is not a big step up from IXL. I got really mad because I put in the wrong LETTER, and I ended up getting it completely wrong. Didn't know we were judging english errors in a math section. Another thing; Khan Academy is really confusing. The dashboard has so many features and so much crap, that I lost what I was doing and I cannot find my homepage. Oh, and in the end of your session, they give you a rating on how you did. Its like saying "Hey! You got 43%, you're almost halfway to being as smart as your dog who is licking its butthole right now!". Super encouraging (sarcastic vioce activate). Someone please make an OK math website. Khan Academy has lots of problems and I do not want to keep sitting through this. I agree with@Reba F.
Date of experience: July 19, 2017
Khan academy is mad boring. Their articles make me wanna sleep and die. Just shut down please. This is child abuse and I don't feel like reading. I need a break from you ok? Its you not me.
Date of experience: September 7, 2017
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