Got Questions has a rating of 3.7 stars from 66 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Got Questions ranks 2nd among Christian sites.
As a busy pastor, I often have more research in the Bible than I could handle on my own. I have used weekly of over a decade for concise, accurate information I can rely on. It is literally like having thousands of good books, indexed, and ready to use at the push of a button.
Date of experience: May 21, 2024
Placing one's self out there to answer biblical questions opens one up for criticism. I am thankful bravely posts well conceived and researched answers to life questions. For me, this site saves me a tremendous amount of time in research, and reading thousands of questions, I find it very faithful to the biblical record. I highly recommend this for Bible students looking for correct answers that are not pushing an agenda.
Date of experience: May 23, 2018
As often as I have questions which are pretty often, I go to GQ. I tried answering my questions using other sources but honestly, I seldom get reliable answers. GQ will also allow you to contact them with your own personal question. And within a few days you get a human response. That's pretty cool. Love the personal contact you get with GQ.
Date of experience: May 21, 2024
Not just myself, but I'm finding out more and more people I know, get their solid information from The site is user friendly and the answers are easy to understand. Thanks!
Date of experience: March 31, 2021
I have been a writer for GQ for around 8 years and as for myself and my fellow writers we thoroughly research each answer knowing the privilege it is to serve the Lord here. We pray and ask God for guidance and wisdom for each and every question we receive. We always keep in mind Whom it is we serve.
Date of experience: May 23, 2024
In these times there seems to be a general dislike and misunderstanding of Biblical truth. I find this site to be sound and versed in this area. The answers are concise and very helpful, I lead a Bible study where we teach directly from Scripture and sound Biblical commentary. Some passages a difficult and I generally am able to find help on this site. I've just ordered his book and applaud him for his work. Thanks!
Tip for consumers:
This review is based on my online experience with
Date of experience: April 26, 2024
As a teacher in a Christian high school, I urge my students to seek out theological articles using Got Questions. The articles are well-written, balanced, and biblically accurate. For more than fifteen years, I have trusted Got Questions Ministries. Please keep up the good work!
Date of experience: October 31, 2022
Got Questions Ministries is the best place for biblical information. It has written information, videos, podcasts for all ages. Also there are sites like Bible Ref to use as a commentary for pastors and ministers. Great site for every age, gender, culture and belief system to learn more about the Bible and Jesus Christ. Piece of advice: skip the negative reviews, just evil attacking good. Got a question, just ask Got Questions... if it isn't there they will research it for you!
Date of experience: October 31, 2022
First off, I love the simplicity of the website yet the diversity of topics. Most importantly the articles are backed up biblically. I can't imagine they don't get backlash from many because of this very thing. Jesus was hated, the truth is hated and those who proclaim the Truth will be hated! Yet those who love the Lord and his Word, especially those who seek the Truth yet are unable to find anyone in their area to ask biblical questions, will appreciate GotQuestions! It was invaluable to me early in my walk when there was not another Christian to be found in my area and I had so many questions! I'm thankful for what the Lord has done through this website and for those faithfully serving behind it.
Date of experience: October 31, 2022
I've found Got Questions an invaluable resource in finding Biblically-based answers to the many questions I've had. You may agree with their answers or not, but you can't say they aren't backed by the Bible.
I've used them for a few years now, and I can safely say that the negative reviews claiming they are uncaring or insulting are simply not true. Is Got Questions perfect? No. But it's more than likely that the reader was provided answers they didn't agree with. Or some are just anti-Christian in general.
Date of experience: October 31, 2022
Some of their articles do give a mostly accurate portrayal of views they don't side with (such as conditionalism). However, many of their articles represent opposing views poorly (such as egalitarianism) which I would say is bad practice. Is is prideful to assume you have all the answers! It makes me sad that so many curious, vulnerable people are directed towards this site and read one-sided views claiming to be 100% biblical truth, and encounter demeaning/belittling language about the diverse theological alternatives that are also Bible-based!
Date of experience: August 3, 2023
This site is not accurate! We still need to hear from God today! Prophetic praying is for today. We still need to hear from God to know daily direction. The Holy Spirit guides us in all truth. The whole Bible is for us today, it's not a History book, it's alive for today! I've ministered to many people over the years, things from Holy Spirit, to encourage and uplift and edify a person. Saying it died out after the apostles died, is incorrect. Your interpretation of the scripture is incorrect. Please pray for God to renew your mind and give you wisdom to rightly divide the Word of God! Be Blessed
Date of experience: May 5, 2023
Got Questions has been a very helfpul site for me over the years. When you search for a question, they give you multiple options for potential subjects/answers. If you're question isn't answered, you can move forward with submitting your own question. Answers are received back promptly and are usually fairly straightforward and direct. You even have the option to ask follow-up questions. Based on their website information, many of their writers hold graduate level degrees in theology or closely related disciplines, which lends credibility to what they're providing you. It shouldn't take the place of your local pastor/elders as your initial spiritual guides, but it can be a very helpful website when trying to learn more about a whole host of subjects/issues and a great place to begin getting answers to your specific questions. I definitely reocmmend them.
Date of experience: October 31, 2022
This post very clearly is not on the right path, calling out an interpretation error and then attempting to provide what the correct interpretation should be is simply not okay. Truly, I am thankful not to be in the shoes of whomever is writing these answers because you are on unsteady ground. We all will be judged in the end. People, be wise and read the Bible for yourself, ask trusted friends or believers that you hold in respect to help you with interpretation if you don't understand. Do not go to, in my opinion, they are a stumbling block to others.
Date of experience: February 12, 2018
Wolves in sheeps clothing, they mix half truth with satanic ideologies (satanism) making the appearance that its a legitimate "christian" website
This website promotes the satanic agenda, to the absolute "tee" --
For those who are just waking up to reality, spirit ties are real, and sex with anymore than one partner in your life is sexual fornication (sin), whether the Lord "permits" divorce or not, its sin. Your first Love will always be yours, yet people are buying this disinformation and pretending that divorce is a moral option, when it never is...
Warning to all fellow Christians, do NOT use this site and do NOT buy their fabricated half truths, its literally all deception and implicit psychological operation.
God bless. Farewell.
Date of experience: June 12, 2017
They give false information, "There is certainly quite a bit in Scripture about Satan and his horde of demons. There is little said about deliverance from them, and nothing said about deliverance as a "ministry." You said little said about deliverance, 1/3 of Jesus's Ministry was deliverance, look at the people with demons nowadays in our world, including some Pastors. I would never come to this site again, because they serve the devil with there information.
Date of experience: October 24, 2022
All of these questions are answered from a very limited, ultra-conservative viewpoint and are very biased. Most of the volunteers who answer questions do not have any education in theology; some of them don't even answer questions in complete sentences or paragraphs. They seem to be skewed towards promoting white, straight men while villifying everyone else. Their original article on rape culture was (ironically) a promotion of rape culture, blaming women for being assaulted because of what they were wearing. Honestly, just read the Bible for yourself and come to your own conclusions. This website isn't to be trusted.
Date of experience: November 21, 2017
Got Questions claimed to have compassion and empathy, but their so-called answers completely lacked compassion and empathy! They were very condescending and hurled nothing but insults, not Christ-like at all, period! With the attitude they gave me, should Got Questions really be surprised that so many people are "anti-God" and "anti-Christian" these days? Because their attitude sure wouldn't help anyone with such sentiments.
Date of experience: April 15, 2021
The information in this website leads you to believe that they are quoting scripture and teaching from the Bible, but they are doing the exact opposite. If you read very closely, they substituted in their own words while trying to make you believe the words are biblical. Words like, what God is saying here is that there is a "life for life" consequence. This site is all opinion based with biblical verses mixed in to try and deceive.
Date of experience: June 25, 2022
Two things I am concerned about this site so far: It's view on the work and identify of the Holy Spirit, trying to use more socially acceptable terms to describe "sexual immorality".
Let us carefully examine the word of God on our own with the help of the Holy Spirit, seek multiple versus before jumping into conclusions, and receive the word of God, the Bible, with meekness and humility. May God bless all of us.
Date of experience: January 10, 2019
Ask questions does not have accurate answers to bible scripture in fact on there website it says you can't blasphemy the spirit today or God not true
Date of experience: January 4, 2024
Horrible doctrine from a calvinist perspective. Please do your own study. Calvinism is a cancer that creeps in many churches.
Date of experience: October 12, 2023
Sadly they support some false doctrines as the rapture and elements of dispensationalism.
Care needs to be exercised as what may be popular is not always correct.
Nevertheless a useful research tool.
Date of experience: April 2, 2019
They did not answer my question. They did write something else.
When I did insist in answer my question, they told me If I am unwilling to accept what they write they do not respond any more.
What astonished me, too: They jump immediately to another bible translation when their translation shows sth. Not of their doctrine. And when you ask why, they send your question back to you.
No comment. But see this:*******
Gotquestions is an Org like JWs have. They even have some behaviour like JWs.
Also gotquestions has the TULIP teaching of the Calvinists (exactly four of five of the Calvinistic teachings). Here again you see, they adopt whatever they can use - and when not, they move elsewhere.
The acronym T. U. L. I. P used by Calvinists. These five points are:
I. Total Depravity
II. Unconditional Election
III. Limited Atonement
IV. Irresistible Grace
V. Perseverance of the Saints
Date of experience: July 17, 2019
This website slanders homosexuality and many other reiligions! It mocks many scientific foundings that have been proven, all based on a book written, and re-written thousands of years ago based on stories passed down through many generations from times were many belived the world was the center of the universe and jerusilum the center of the world. A time were people were tourtured and killed for having minor reiligious differences. I mean if that isn't proof enough that it's a load of bull$#*! then you are beyond help and are just plain ignorant.
Date of experience: February 12, 2011
The articles are referenced to the correct biblical text, with the correct context.
Sometimes the truth pill is hard to gulp, but they remain biblically consistent.
Date of experience: May 26, 2018
Beware. This ministry is misleading. The answers are found in the Bible. Understand the bible and you will find the truth.
Date of experience: February 4, 2023
Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all your Bible Questions!