I am a proud customer of Walmart and a teacher; however, the Teacher Appreciation Day bags were not indicative of their "appreciation" for us. Many of the bags only house a couple of samples, while others were given nice items in their bags. It seems to have been a rouse to get teachers to come and spend our money since you put up your school supply displays this past week.
We already spend thousands of dollars with you for our students out of own pockets, then to get bags filled with mostly coupons and small samples were ridiculous. The items advertised were not in the bag.
I am not saying that the bags should have been running over, but I believe as a much as teachers around the United States of America spend at your stores from big places to small towns, they could have been given more.
I am sure that I speak for all teachers when I say that we felt disrespected and underappreciated.
Date of experience: July 14, 2019
Prices at Walmart are decent. The online site though is horrible and slow and the stores themselves are typically dirty as the staff don't care as management only cares about profitably. Sometimes products are just tossed in shelves.
Date of experience: February 9, 2020
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