Ouch! My wife has hurt her back. The doctor says it's not quite a slipped disk, but if she isn't careful it could get worse. She can't sit down on an ordinary chair, and she can't stay in one position for more than about five minutes. Laying flat on her back on the floor gets boring and eating meals standing up is no fun.
We tried a 'kneeling chair' and that helped a little. Then the physiotherapist lent her a 'saddle chair' which is even better. Apparently they are much loved by dentists, hair dressers and beauty therapists. Basic ones are available on Amazon from about £50 / $75.
Bambach (www.bambach.co.uk) offer the Rolls-Royce version of the saddle chairs with a variety of specially tailored features depending on the type of back problem you have. Downside is that they cost ten times as much as the basic ones on Amazon.
However, if you are facing a life time of back problems, and the investment could help you continue to work, it might be worth a look.
Date of experience: February 11, 2011
This site did show the seat which could help relieve back pain. Good posture is very important.
Date of experience: January 7, 2014
My back is awfully twisted with scoliosis so i had to buy a special chair - found it here!
Date of experience: October 5, 2015
The Bambach Saddle Seat is scientifically proven to relieve and prevent back pain, sciatica, and other posture related problems.
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