Total Trivia Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Total Trivia staff and previous consumers.

56 questions answered
9% answered in 1 day

Don't understand how when someone takes the lead hundreds of points are added to their score??


Hello Bonnie, thank you for reaching out! Sometimes shoppers use boosters and fast tracks to rocket themselves into the lead. However, once a shopper gains the first place position they can no longer answer trivia in that tournament. This allows other shoppers the chance to catch up and makes things competitive! Good luck in your next tournaments!

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Caitlin, Every day there is a new daily challenge where you can earn free discount coupons. So you are able to get free discount coupons each day:) Early on in a tournament, there is no requirement to spend discount coupons to play, so you could join recent started tournaments in order to complete challenges without spending discount coupons. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask!

By TotalTrivia T.,

I have a basic question. how do you profit if sometimes a 1000$ worth item is won for just 10000 points or below 50$ worth coupons.


Hi Vishnu, the sale of discount coupons and showing ads from brand partners allows us to offer the discounted and free items :)

By TotalTrivia T.,

Do you have to pay taxes on your set retail price when you win like you would in a gambling win or is it just sales tax?


Hi Kathy, the only tax would be if you win $600 worth of merchandise having never paid for discount coupons. Then we would send you a W-9 form to complete for us. Otherwise, there is no tax.

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Steve, I believe you might be referring to 12,000 points rather than coupons - 12,000 points doesn't equate to 12,000 discount coupons used. However, it can happen where a shopper chooses to use more coupons than they will win. The reason would be that a shopper might feel they have gone far enough into a tournament already, so they might as well get 1000 discount coupons back even if they have to spend more. Or it could also be for the sake of competition and winning at any cost. I hope that helps, let me know if you need anything else at

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Linda, this was marked as delivered by mail to your address on May 18th. Since you haven't received it, and incase there was a mistake in the address, please send your full shipping address to so we can send a replacement card right away.

By TotalTrivia T.,

Hi i would get the option to watch a commercial for points but when i got close to 1st it doesn't give me the option to watch commercials i have to buy points... is this right? feels like a scam...


Hi Adam, it is possible to watch the sponsored videos but there comes a point in each tournament where the only way to continue is by using discount coupons. This is part of what enables us to give many items away for free. As well as purchasing discount coupons, you can earn them for free via the daily challenges or by exchanging your wins. Let us know if you have any more questions at

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Linda, this was marked as delivered by mail to your address on May 18th. Since you haven't received it, and incase there was a mistake in the address, please send your full shipping address to so we can send a replacement card right away.

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Mary, thanks for your question. We are carefully considering the best way to introduce some sort of winning limit that helps everyone to win more, without causing disappointment for those users who like to win many items. To help provide more opportunities to win, we have actually increased the number of tournaments running at any one time by 300% in recent weeks, and intend to continue adding more. Really appreciate you writing about this. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask at

By TotalTrivia T.,


Hi Steve, I will pass on your thoughts on the Fast Track to our developers. They are currently testing a few things to find the best balance, and it may as you say turn out to be a bad move, in which case we will be sure to readjust. Since starting out 7 months ago, we have been doing our best to make the tournaments as fun and as fair as possible. As we continue to learn, mistakes will surely be made, but we are listening closely to comments like yours. The same goes for the winning limits - we have many ideas on this, but our immediate solution has been to increase the number of tournaments per day by 300%+ in the past few weeks. This provides more opportunity to win for everybody. Please feel free to reach out to with any other feedback you have. Thanks again.

By TotalTrivia T.,

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