Freelancer Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Freelancer staff and previous consumers.

134 questions answered
18% answered in 1 day

Is this worthwhile using? i'm looking to make a online market place. the reviews don't look great.


If you know how to handle... I suggest you don't do a full payment right away... divide it...

By Gigi H.

How i recommend any freelancer in public?


Excellent service in all aspects of business. Thanks freelancer for giving me the opportunity that i am looking throughout my career. Really recommend all the freelancer to use it and make your career dream into a reality. I appreciate Support team of Freelancer, which proved to be really supportive in adverse situations.

By Sprexe T.

Q: hello! i am a freelancer. my employer vanished immediately after awarding project to me (project id: 10304611 he has not provided any info on his task. he is offline all the time and does not respond to me. charged a 10% fee to me and withdrew money from my bank card. please, refund it to card.


I fought a reversal for mine in support desk.

By Gigi H.

Https:// freelancer is stealing my money i have -10 $?


I think there is a mistake. Freelancer do not steal your money. You have accepted a project of 100$ or I think you have sealed or highlighted any entry. It costs 0.50$ to do each

By Mazbaul H.

What if a contest price is too low. can i negociate a website price with the holder directly?


No you can't.

By Gigi H.

How to increase reivew on freelancer?


Don't. Stay away from the scam.

By Elaine K.

I am become quite frustrated because no body is listen or take action against simple complaints in complaint no. view ticket: #irg-762-61178 change of feedback request on project id: 9536629 i make a complaint which is created: 15 march 2016 12:20 am. that i had given 2 reviews to the employer. 1st review i gave during the project process and 2nd review at the time of completion of the project. my complaint/request to the freelancer is that i mistakenly submit 1st review low which i have to make it 5/5 simple. on the very next day support team reply on posted on: 16 march 2016 04:54 pm that we already processed the changes on our end. their ratings were updated to 5 stars on all categories. please allow our system 24-48 hours to update the changes. by regards, henry l. support today is 22nd march 2016, 9:32 am. no change has been made. now what should i do is any expert can help me... :(


They always said like this, but after 48 hours, your account will be closed. They are the biggest theives!

By Jack M.

If i am an indian am i allowed to bid a project which will be paid in dollars?


Yes, any currency.

By Freelance W.

Hi i am new to free lancer kindly let me know about, how can u assure to get paid after completion of a project?


Kiss the employer's stinky $#*! and pay money to freelancer

By Carl W.


My bank took care of it because I did not authenticate credit card so my bank called me and asked was this a legal transaction of course I said no so I wasn't billed $50, I guess you might say I'm lucky Thank goodness

By Edward L.

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