Hello. I booked a flight with FareGeek and THEN checked their reviews. Now I am extremely worried. I checked my confirmation number directly with the airline and they assured me that it's valid. Has anyone here checked their confirmation number with the airline, found it valid, only to have it canceled by FareGeek? I'm really anxious about this and would like to hear from people with experience. My rating is based upon my interaction with a FareGeek representative who was not exactly polite when I called. Thanks.

asked by Michael S. on 5/15/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user wendyw32

I had a flight cancelled a week before my trip to the UK. Chances are if they have cancelled it they will say it's because they can't control the airline fare changes. If you did get a flight cancelled with them, don't bother calling... you'll sit on hold for an hour only to be told that they can sell you another fare (the same one you booked) for almost double. For instance; I booked a flight at a resonably $750 to europe. When I called, they said the same fare would run $1300 or more. Between getting shuffled to a supervisor and then back, dealing with rude customer service agents that seemed to treat my issue like a chore, I ended up hanging up and going to another airline directly to get my flight. In the end I did pay near double but I would do anything not to have to deal with this company again. That said, best advice I can give you is go somewhere else.

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Thumbnail of user justineo

If you have an actual ticket number and reconfirmed it with the airline itself then I can only imagine you are fine. When they cancelled on me they had sent me a confirmation email and then cancelled because the airline didn't end up having seats available but if your seat is locked in and your airline is aware of it then you should be fine.

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Thumbnail of user katherineg10

I'm in the same situation. My flight isn't until August though and from what I've heard, most people don't find out their flight is canceled until a couple of days before. From what I have seen from peoples reviews, is that most peoples flights who have gotten cancelled only received a "confirmation" email as opposed to a "ticketed" email. The confirmation number that I have checks out with Lufthansa, and I don't know if they can cancel it now... if you could keep me updated with your experience, or find any more info, that would be great. I'm pretty worried myself - it was an international flight.

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Thumbnail of user laurao12

The airline told me they booked the flight and charged me but later, cancelled the reservation. Fare Geeks charged me for a flight from MT to Hilo but what I got was a flight from MT to DEN then from LA to Hilo, but NO FLIGHT from Den to LA! I had to pay an additional $380 to get a connection from Den to LA or I wouldn't have had any way to get to LA airport! I called Fare Geek 3 times and was on hold for several hours each time and used all my minutes for the month on my prepaid cell phone. When the airline told me the flight I paid for was cancelled by Fare Geeks, I sent them an email begging them not to screw me over and they replied saying my trip was scheduled to get me from MT to Hilo and not to worry! They never replied to any of my emails once I found out they cancelled one leg of my trip. I had no choice but to purchase a ticket from the airline to get me from DEN to LA so I could get home. I spent the ENTIRE day and night trying to figure out how I was going to get home and it was the last day I was ever going to see my mother before she died. Fare Geeks is a HORRIBLE company and I don't know why ANY airline would sell tickets to them because it is CLEAR they are a scamming honest customers once the tickets are paid for. EVERY AIRLINE should BAN FareGeeks from doing business with them! The airlines are just as guilty if they continue to sell tickets to them because they are fully aware the company is fraudulent!

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