Envita Medical Centers Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Envita Medical Centers staff and previous consumers.

94 questions answered
6% answered in 1 day

Did you treat stomach cancer stage 4 and had success ?


Envita specializes in late-stage and complex cancers. We have treated multiple patients with stage 4 stomach cancer. You will want to reach out to our medical center and ask to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator, these professionals work with the patients and physicians everyday and can give you insight into past patient successes. Please call 866-830-4576 and ask to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Do you take cholangiocarcinoma stage 4 bile duct cancer patients? chemo was stopped a month ago.


Envita treats most types of cancers, including cancers that have become refractory to traditional protocols. You will want to reach out to our medical center and ask to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator (PCC) to receive details about that specific type of cancer, you can reach a PCC at 866-830-4576

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Have you had cases with stage 4 nsclc?


I cannot say for certain we have had a recent case of that specific cancer, however that does not mean we wouldn't have options available for you. Please contact a member of our Patient Care Coordinator team at 866-830-3576 to find out what options are available.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Is envita covered by medicare?


Unfortunately the treatments Envita provides is outside the scope of what Medicare reimburses for and thus we cannot accept Medicare.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Do you deal with myelo fibrosis and if so what is your success rate? tim thoen


Unfortunately I would not have an answer for this condition. You would need to contact the center and ask to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator to be certain you can reach a PCC at 866-830-4576

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Will a stage 4 liver/gallbladder cancer patient be a good candidate at your clinic? 3 moths ago, the patient was told to have only 6 month to live.


Envita specializes in late-stage and difficult cancers. You would need to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator and discuss potential options to discover if the patient would be a candidate or not. You can reach a PCC at 866-830-4576

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

What are the credentials of envita's health care professionals? are they medical doctors?


Envita's doctors hold several different licensures including MD, NMD, DO, and MDH.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

What is the average cost of treatment for someone with stage 2 liver cancer?


At Envita everybody's cancer treatment protocol is built specifically on the causative factors we discover during lab testing for that patient. To get an average cost of treatment your best option would be to call Envita and ask to speak with a Patient Care Educator or Patient Care Coordinator, these two specialists can explain how we would go about developing a treatment plan and ultimately what kind of costs you could expect. They can be reached at 1-866-830-4576.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Do you have any of your centres in canada


Envita is currently only available in Arizona, United States

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

Do you help cancer patients with juicing saunas oxygen treatments what are the treatments


We do help patients with the various topics you have listed. Call into the clinic to speak with a Patient Care Coordinators who will be more then happy to go over how we help our patients. You can reach the clinic at 1-866-830-4576.

By Amanda B., Patient Care Educator

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