All Poetry Questions & Answers

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20 questions answered
35% answered in 1 day

How do i confirm a comment? i write 2 comments but it won't let me continue to my poem


Usually this means javascript is misconfigured or broken on your computer. Try resetting your security settings to the default, and make sure your browser has all the latest updates. Comments need to be made from the "now comment" page, vs. clicking titles to comment...

By Kevin W.,


For the required two comments after commenting? They have to be done from the "now comment" page, maybe that was the problem. Or the javascript on your computer messed up for some reason... Hopefully you got it working :)

By Kevin W.,

Can i still publish my poetry on my own after i post it on allpoetry?


Yes, you keep copyright to your poems and are free to post, publish, or share them elsewhere. You can see our terms of use link, click Help / Contact us at the bottom of the page if you want to see the gory details.

By Kevin W.,

Is allpoetry a safe website to buy a membership on?


Yes, we've been around since 1999 and have never had any problems. We use all the latest security measures.

By Kevin W.,


I don't see how anyone can '100% guarantee' that absolutely anything that is published on the internet... be it text/photo/video/artwork/-etc. Won't be stolen/copied/sold off as being somebody else's work. You see all a person has to do is just do a 'print screen'/or, 'save image as...'/or, in the case of text: 'select All/copy/paste'. There is video downloader software which allows you to copy other people's video's, as well. I even heard that it's possible... if the image is watermarked... to use certain software... Adobe Photoshop/-etc. To get to remove the watermarked part. So, it's certainly easy enough to be able to steal stuff that's been published online; and, then, go pass it off as being your 'own' in order to go sell. Then, when one adds in such factors as... the people stealing it could be located absolutely anywhere in the whole wide world; and, that they don't need to tell anyone that they went and stole it from you... nor ask you for permission to 'copy/steal/borrow' it...; then, really, it becomes impossible to know who stole what/or, indeed, where on earth these people might be located; nevermind, finding them to go take them off to court; indeed, does anyone even want to go through the financial pressures -(not to mention, emotional upheavals)- of facing a court battle... nevermind, that court battle being located in another land, somewhere... where your own local law might not even apply...? What I'm saying is... the only way to know your own material is, well and truly, 'safe' is just NOT to publish on the internet at all. Of course, you might loose money that way... by not selling anything online; but, then, you have to make a decision for yourself... do I wish to make money online/or, would I rather sell offline, instead. Of course, in the 'offline' world... people can and do still steal/forge stuff...; so,...?!

By Paul R.

Hi i was wondering the writing courses are free or not?


Yes all the courses are free :)

By Kevin W.,


It's very rare. We've had a few complaints over the years and taken action when necessary. Our moderators are very active so it's easy to get help. There's no technology that can guarantee it. There are things which prevent copying to you clipboard, but they are very easy to get around - so it only ends up hurting the "good" people and not the bad people. But ultimately with poetry there's not many "bad" people because it is very difficult to make much money from selling a poem, so there's not much motivation.

By Kevin W.,

Any news n the 500


Back up! :)

By Kevin W.,

Hi, i am a member of ap, but at the moment am unable to log into it. comes up as 500 internal server error, which i believe is from your end? it is a bit frustrating as i am in the middle of judging a couple of contests i have run! your response and help would be appreciated.


Sorry for the few hours of downtime last night, site was up a few hours ago. Thanks for letting us know!

By Kevin W.,


Sorry for the few hours of downtime last night, site was up a few hours ago. Thanks for letting us know!

By Kevin W.,

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