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on 12/2/15Don't use AliExpress. You need to understand how AliExpress works. They are nothing more than a middleman between you and the seller, like eBay. The major differences are that AliExpress is only interested in getting your money. They do not vet the sellers at all and very few have been in business more than a year or two, then they magically popup under a new name. Almost everything on the sire is a knock-off After nearly six months, we finally got our refund with the help of our credit card company. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM!
Yes, In short, do not take a chance, they are crooks and the vendors who sell, are sending substandard goods and when we complain its the person who orders is blamed and no money is refunded. And just maybe you will not receive the goods even if you pay! Be, very Careful, Sir/Madame
Short answer is 4-8 weeks. Its coming from far far away! Depending on seller dispatch time is around 10 days then about 4-5 weeks for delivery, and you have to expect customs to have a look too!
I live in Adelaide and have placed about 70 orders through Ali Express. I have a total of 3 disputed transactions and got a refund on every one of them. Free shipping usually takes 30 to 45 days, but I have never had any order that says can't ship to my region. Maybe sign up with Aust Post for a drop box at a post office. Or as previous comment try a different seller.
Some countrys the seller cant ship to. Try another seller.
I think it is a bit too late to be asking if the items you ordered will come as you ordered. Just pray they will.