This place sucks to work even if it is your 1st IT job. Pay sucks and management can give 3 poops about teaching or making their techs better. The only happy employees are the owners with thier fat pockets and fat heads. And about the free food its rotten most the time you have to be desperate to eat it. People that work there are summarized in that fashion because they will still even after working their for a year will reliaze they still dont know or cant land a real tech job. If you need money great place to temporarily get it because they hire anyone literally. Dont be foolish and stay there long continue school or be searching because this place is not anything but a scam. I see the feds or microsoft or cc cleaner or teamviewer or all the other products they illegally use catching up with them. If you read this and go to work there well you deserve what you get because this place is not a real job

asked by Tim M. on 9/11/13

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