What are the Customer Choice Awards?

What are the Customer Choice Awards? article cover

The annual Sitejabber Customer Choice Awards honor outstanding businesses that have demonstrated superior customer service and offer exceptional products or services by receiving top marks on our scoring criteria based on their ratings, reviews and interactions with our community of millions of consumers. These annual awards reflect the absolute best businesses in each of over 60 different categories and the top 1% of all businesses reviewed on Sitejabber.

To determine the Customer Choice Award winners, Sitejabber uses a proprietary algorithm that takes into account multiple factors including: star rating, number and recency of reviews, page visits, response rate and timeliness, and number of comments and questions submitted by our community over a 1 year period.

All of us at Sitejabber would be happy to personally recommend each of these businesses to our friends and family and are confident your experience with any one of the winners will be a great one. In fact, please don’t forget to come back and tell us about it by leaving them a review, when you can.

To visit a Customer Choice Award winner’s profile page, simply go to our “Best of” section and select any of the categories there. When you’re browsing winners’ pages, please congratulate them and let them know they are doing a great job generating the most happy customers on the web.