I placed an order for today but it was not accepted so I did add more tips. For how long should I wait and how to cancel if nobody accepted it?

asked by dima S. on 4/20/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user lawnm1

Wow, guess I'm not needed, didn't know we had so many fans on here. Of course there's a few customers that have been ban from the website that are complaining but they're just mad we don't provide them service anymore because they're horrible people ;)

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Thumbnail of user melaneem1

I am so sorry you are having issues :( Whenever I request a job it's accepted the very next day and I haven't had any issues. If your job is not accepted today I would cancel. No way the should the tip have anything to do with your job request. I would not increase the tip. Hope all works out!

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Thumbnail of user waltw

Hello thanks for the question, if a contractor does not accept your order that day all of the contractors in the area are probably overwhelmed from rain, leaves, or seasonably high grass, or we may be out of your area. Cancelling your order pretty much ensures that your lawn will not get mowed. The best thing to do is let your job sit on the job board for a few days, let the area contractors get caught up, usually this only takes a few days, but can sometimes take up to a week. Contractors are still able to see your job, it doesn't get removed or bumped back, contractors are simply not allowed to accept a job if we are unable to get to it that day, but we may be able to get to it the next day. I hope this helps please feel free to ask me any questions. Thanks - Walt

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Thumbnail of user shannona10

I have used Lawns Online many, many times. I have only ever had one hiccup when whomever picked up the job didn't show. Many of the contractors have full time jobs and although the right thing for them to do would be to contact you, it doesn't always happen that way. I would cancel the job and contact the management. I have never tipped more than 20%, except once when my grass was taller than I expected it to be. It may be more difficult in some areas than others to find contractors to pick up the jobs. I live in the suburbs & typically a lawn service picks up mine. A couple times it has been a retiree that is just wanting something to do. I hate to read about bad customer service. I hope you''re able to get this resolved & your lawn mowed soon!

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