IPhoneUnlock.Zone Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from IPhoneUnlock.Zone staff and previous consumers.

708 questions answered
5% answered in 1 day

What if i bought this phone from the person worked find now says lost can u still manage


Please order our iPhone Unlock Check service to identify what the issue of your iPhone is and propose you a solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Is this site going to be able to make my blacklisted iphone 12pro max useable again?


Please order our iPhone Unlock Check service to identify what the issue of your iPhone is and propose you a solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Can you icloud unlock?


It depends on its status. Please order our iPhone iCloud Check service to identify what the issue of your iPhone is and propose you a solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Hi, kan you remove blacklist on my iphone 12 in sweden that has imei nr. 359827484011849 tanks for your anser


Please order our iPhone Unlock Check service to identify what the issue of your iPhone is and propose you a solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

How do i get refund


Please provide us with your transaction ID and IMEI number to locate your order and give you an update. Thank you!

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Can you clean imei of an iphone 12 pro? it was blacklisted as a lost/stolen. please let me know. thaks.


Hello Mohammad. It depends on the network that blacklisted your iPhone 12 Pro. Please send us a full IMEI report via message (here or through our website) and an agent will review it and suggest you the best available solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Does it remove the activation lock


Hello Jivardhan. Please be more specific. For which service do you want more info?

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

How much money in indian rupees


Hello Jivardhan. Please be more specific. For which service do you want more info? Also, you can convert US dollars to your local currency through Google.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Do you actually unblackist iphones in the uk? i have a 12pro max that is blacklisted. thanks


Hello Callum. It depends on the network that blacklisted your iPhone 12 Pro Max. Do you have a recent IMEI Report (with blacklist status info) to send us to evaluate it? If not, please order one from our website and an agent will evaluate it and suggest to you available methods for fixing your blacklisted iPhone.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

Can you unlocked an iphone xr on straight talk verizon network new


Hello Jose. An iPhone cannot be locked by two mobile networks. It will be either from Straight Talk USA or Verizon USA. Please send us a full IMEI report and we will evaluate it for you. Then we will be able to suggest to you an available unlocking solution.

By iPhoneUnlock Z., Customer Support

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