Pristine Nutraceuticals LLC Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Pristine Nutraceuticals LLC staff and previous consumers.

17 questions answered
29% answered in 1 day

How long until i can expect to see some results


More information is needed to provide accurate answers in your specific case. Please call; 1-888-671-2873

By Nick M.,

Can it treat sibo


Contact Dr. Drucker. He is open to speaking with anyone. Very informative.

By Casey C.

Yes i want to know how many have been heal with lyme and how long do they have to take the medication... when can they see improvements and do they have to take the medication for life?


I consider that I have been healed from colitis and reflux, it really helped my dry eye but I don't know if it's healed and have had no problems with lychens schlerosis since I started. It took about 2 months to start to see a difference and I've been taking it for 4 months and have started to decrease my amount and I'm on 6 a day.

By Robin W.

Does digestaqure contain any sweetness such as honey or stevia... any form?


I was told by digestaqure it was just run through water that had stevia in it which made no since to me it was much sweeter than before they added the stevia thinking it would taste better it did not have a bad taste to me until they added the stevia then it was sickening so I had to quit takeing it.

By jimmie b.

Does this product work for graves' disease and hypothyroidism?


It claims to if you stay on it long enough. But most I know that have taken it have had little success with it curing any if their symptoms. Its difficult to take because they recommend you open the capsules and dissolve in water that is free from fluoride and other things. And you work up to opening twelve capsules a day. Plus it tastes terrible. That's not to say it can't produce results but be prepared to spend a lot of money and you'll never get a refund if it doesn't work. Good luck

By Sue B.

Has anyone taking the digestaqure for ulcerative colitis been able to stay off the mesalamine drugs permanently?


That I wouldn't know. Some claim to have been cured. Anything is possible but I believe more likely than not, this product is overhyped

By Sue B.

Does it help with diabetes


Sorry Terry I don't believe it will help with that although you may want to check the site again for the list of ailments they claim it will help. My experience is that it won't do nearly what it claims to. Good luck!

By Sue B.

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