• Resume.com



Resume.com has a rating of 4.0 stars from 19 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Resume.com ranks 67th among Resume sites.

  • Service
  • Value
  • Quality
Positive reviews (last 12 months): 100%
How would you rate Resume.com?
Top Positive Review


Leeann R.

This website was very easy to use making my new resume. It has several different options of wording and also templates and very easy to edit if you made any mistakes or needed to change anything. The customer service people I spoke with on the line were very professional and very qualified to answer all questions. I highly recommend it!

Top Critical Review

“Reasonable site, but BE CAREFUL OF CHARGES”

Terence K.

Resume builder software and templates were pretty standard. Be careful, however, of the "introductory trial". They hook you in by offering a cheap initial price, and then AUTOMATICALLY opt-you into to expensive monthly charges. If you don't cancel by the first billing period (even if you've not actually used the site in that time), they will charge you and deny any request for a refund. Be Careful.

Reviews (19)




Thumbnail of user leeannr24
1 review
0 helpful votes
May 24th, 2021

This website was very easy to use making my new resume. It has several different options of wording and also templates and very easy to edit if you made any mistakes or needed to change anything. The customer service people I spoke with on the line were very professional and very qualified to answer all questions. I highly recommend it!

Products used:
Resume/cover letter

Thumbnail of user kathrync442
1 review
0 helpful votes
June 1st, 2021

Resume. Now has a very user-friendly site. Their templates are helpful and the customer service was outstanding. Highly recommend

Thumbnail of user pabloh79
1 review
0 helpful votes
September 7th, 2022

I use resume. Com. After that, they subscribe me to something I didn't know, they were taking 24 Euros from my account.
I spoke with them and told me they will remove my subscription, what is my surprise today checking my bank account they took another 24 Euros this month.
These people are thieves, I won't recommend them at all.
They are just taking money from your bank account, and even if you claim your money back they are not going to give it back to you. THIEVES

Tip for consumers:

Products used:

Thumbnail of user perlinag
1 review
0 helpful votes
May 26th, 2021

I've been very busy with school and work, and it completely escaped my mind that I signed up for Resume membership. I looked at my bank statements and noticed I was charged. I immediately called and Robert worked with to solve the problem. He only had nice things to say and is a veteran too; I only wish the best for him.

Thumbnail of user darleneb274
1 review
5 helpful votes
February 17th, 2021

It said for a 7 day access to my resume for $1.95 and as soon as I put money on my card a charge of $59 was charged. There was no mention of recurring charges.

Thumbnail of user terencek40
1 review
0 helpful votes
January 17th, 2022
Verified purchase

Resume builder software and templates were pretty standard. Be careful, however, of the "introductory trial". They hook you in by offering a cheap initial price, and then AUTOMATICALLY opt-you into to expensive monthly charges. If you don't cancel by the first billing period (even if you've not actually used the site in that time), they will charge you and deny any request for a refund. Be Careful.

Tip for consumers:
Their billing and subscription service could have been clearer and geared more towards the consumer. Many other sites will inform you several days before the big charges occur so you can cancel. There was no informing email, and the initial sign-up did not seem to take the extra time to properly inform the user of the charges (beyond a lengthy small print T&C document).

Products used:
Resume builder

Thumbnail of user angelac1713
1 review
0 helpful votes
February 26th, 2022

Customer rep wasn't helpful but his supervisor was very friendly and helplful. He tried to help me in every way possible to have a good experience.

Thumbnail of user jaeminl2
1 review
0 helpful votes
January 10th, 2023

DALAM persidangan Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 29 April-22 Juni 1945, sudah timbul pertentangan antara kelompok yang menginginkan Islam jadi dasar negara dan kelompok yang menginginkan dasar negara adalah Pancasila.

Titik temunya Piagam Jakarta yang membuat rumusan sila pertama: Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya.
Menjelang sidang Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia pada 18 Agustus 1945, yang akan mengesahkan UUD, pada 17 Agustus sore ada sejumlah anak muda yang mengaku wakil umat Kristen dari Indonesia timur menemui Bung Hatta. Mereka menyatakan, kalau tujuh kata Piagam Jakarta tidak dihapus dari Mukadimah UUD, umat Kristen tidak akan bergabung ke dalam Republik Indonesia.

Bung Hatta mengundang sejumlah tokoh Islam dan membahas tuntutan tersebut. Maka tiga tokoh Islam bermusyawarah di rumah Bung Hatta dan mengambil keputusan tanpa sempat konsultasi dengan yang lain karena alat komunikasi amat terbatas. Tanpa ragu mereka sepakat menghapus tujuh kata tersebut dari Mukadimah UUD.

Dalam persidangan Konstituante (1956-1959), partai-partai Islam (Masyumi, NU, PSII, Perti, AKUI, dll) berjuang kembali untuk menjadikan Islam sebagai dasar negara, tetapi gagal. Dalam tiga kali pemungutan suara, partai Islam mencapai suara sedikit di atas 43%. Karena Konstituante dianggap gagal, Bung Karno menerbitkan Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959: kembali ke UUD 1945.

Salah satu peristiwa lain yang perlu dicatat terkait hubungan Islam dan negara ialah penolakan warga dan ulama PPP di bawah Rais Aam PBNU KH Bisri Syansuri pada 1973 terhadap RUU Perkawinan. Beberapa pasalnya dianggap bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Syukur, Pak Harto memahami penjelasan para ulama NU, kemudian menyetujui rumusan para ulama untuk Pasal 2 UU Perkawinan, yang berbunyi "Perkawinan adalah sah apabila dilakukan menurut hukum masing-masing agamanya dan kepercayaannya itu".

KH Ahmad Shiddiq

Selanjutnya pemerintah berusaha supaya semua organisasi di Indonesia memakai asas Pancasila. PBNU yang sejak keluarnya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 sudah merasa puas dengan pencantuman Piagam Jakarta sebagai pertimbangan Dekrit, mulai tergerak untuk mengkaji apakah memang betul bahwa Pancasila itu tidak sejalan dengan ajaran Islam. Ulama NU menyadari, tanpa dasar Islam, ternyata UU Perkawinan bisa menampung aspirasi umat Islam. Maka PBNU membentuk tim untuk mengkaji masalah itu, yang dipimpin oleh KH Achmad Shiddiq. Saya mendengar bahwa KH Achmad Shiddiq sejak lama sudah menyampaikan bahwa Pancasila itu tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.

Untuk membahas hasil kajian Tim KH Achmad Shiddiq itu, pada Desember 1983 diselenggarakan Munas Ulama NU di Asem Bagus. Hasil kajian tim itu disetujui Munas, tetapi masih memerlukan keputusan Muktamar NU. Maka, pada Desember 1984 di Asem Bagus diselenggarakan Muktamar NU Ke-27. Dalam Muktamar terjadi perdebatan sengit di dalam komisi yang membahas masalah tersebut. Berkat ketokohan dan kemampuan KH Achmad Shiddiq dalam menjelaskan dan mempertahankan argumentasi, maka muktamar menerima Pancasila.

Ironis, KH Achmad Shiddiq yang amat besar jasanya bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia dalam memadukan Islam dan Pancasila, ternyata terlupakan dan tidak begitu dikenal namanya di luar lingkungan NU. Ada dua kejadian yang bisa jadi contoh terlupakannya mantan Rais Aam Syuriyah PBNU ini. Beberapa tahun lalu saya menerima rombongan mahasiswa dan dosen satu IAIN di luar Jawa yang mempelajari politik Islam. Mereka berziarah ke makam Gus Dur yang amat mereka hormati sebagai tokoh yang dianggap berjasa dalam proses NU menerima Pancasila. Ketika saya bertanya apa pendapat mereka tentang KH Achmad Shiddiq, ternyata mereka tidak mengenal beliau.

Contoh lain ialah sebuah buku mengenai tokoh-tokoh pemikir politik Islam yang diterbitkan oleh salah satu universitas Islam negeri (UIN). Saya tidak menemukan nama KH Achmad Shiddiq di dalam indeks nama-nama tokoh yang dibahas di buku itu, padahal prestasi dan jasa beliau dalam menyelamatkan dan mengarahkan politik Indonesia ke masa depan amat besar.

Kondisi mutakhir

Penerimaan Pancasila oleh NU dan ormas Islam lain serta parpol Islam sekitar 30 tahun lalu berdampak besar dalam kehidupan bangsa-negara, khususnya dalam kehidupan sosial politik dan keagamaan. Sebagai contoh, sebagian besar warga NU dan Muhammadiyah serta ormas Islam lain kini tak memilih partai Islam atau berbasis massa Islam, tetapi memilih partai tengah. Pemilih Partai NU dan Partai Masyumi pada 1955 menjadi cair karena warga kedua partai itu telah menerima Pancasila.

Salah satu masalah yang terasa mengganggu ialah adanya pihak yang tidak setuju negara berdasar Pancasila. Mereka menganggap RI adalah negara yang tak sesuai ajaran Islam. RI dianggap negara thaghut (negara yang mengubah hukum Allah). Ada yang menginginkan RI jadi negara Islam dan ada yang ingin RI menjadi bagian dari khilafah Islamiyah.

Kecenderungan di atas sudah lama dirasakan. Untuk mengantisipasi fenomena di atas, pada 2010 saya mengusulkan membangun Museum Islam Nusantara Hasyim Asy'ari di kompleks parkir peziarah makam Gus Dur di Tebuireng. Perencanaan teknis museum itu sudah selesai dan akan dibangun pada 2014.

Di dalam museum itu akan ditampilkan peragaan dan informasi tentang sejarah masuknya Islam ke Nusantara, bagaimana Islam disebarkan dengan cara damai bukan dengan kekerasan. Juga dijelaskan, ulama dan santri serta umat Islam berjuang bersama komponen bangsa lainnya dalam merebut dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Perang kemerdekaan itulah satu-satunya jihad dalam bentuk peperangan di Indonesia. Juga akan diberi informasi tentang proses umat Islam menerima Pancasila.

Museum Hasyim Asy'ari ingin menegaskan bahwa negara RI berdasar Pancasila bukanlah negara yang bertentangan dengan Islam. Bahkan menurut NU, Pancasila adalah wahana untuk menerapkan ajaran Islam. Bahwa masih banyak rakyat yang belum sejahtera dan banyak terjadi ketidakadilan, bukanlah karena kita memakai dasar negara Pancasila, melainkan justru karena kita tidak menerapkan Pancasila.

Thumbnail of user smitp5
1 review
0 helpful votes
September 6th, 2022

Robert was really helpful and one of the best customer service his supervisor was really good.
One main thing you guys understand customer situation. Thanks Thanks for the help havs great day. I am so happy

Thumbnail of user milagrosh19
1 review
0 helpful votes
July 20th, 2022

Called for a refund, Joshua helped me out 100% very friendly and helpful fella got a great offer, and insight on service and my option.

Thumbnail of user patriciacaiazza54
1 review
0 helpful votes
June 21st, 2023

Jackie was Extremely helpful. Explained everything. Took the time to help me with my resume. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

Products used:

Thumbnail of user sachina15
0 reviews
0 helpful votes
January 23rd, 2022
Verified purchase

Once you opt to purchases a single resume for $1.45 you will be automatically enrolled for a 14 day trial program (which will not be confirmed by an email) so you will only know that you have purchased a resume for the above proce and would belive that it was a one off payment you made.

However after 14 days they will deduct $29.99 for a monthly membership without informing you. You will not even receive any payment receipt. (I got to know through my bank notification)

They will also not answer your calls and will not help you with any refund. As they said 'Regarding your refund request, our offer was clearly explained throughout your journey on our website. Once the trial period is exceeded you are no longer eligible for a refund.'

This is a fine print on their website through the process apparently. Also, this is what they said to me when I requested for a refund.

I was unaware that I was their member untill I unsubscribed the plan.

Absolutely unprofessional.

Tip for consumers:
Don't use this.

But if you okay to get scammed or has lot of money to dispose, why not.

Products used:

Thumbnail of user elizabethh2356
1 review
2 helpful votes
October 12th, 2022

Even if you cancel, make sure you get a confirmation email otherwise they will continue to charge you. It's not the worst scam in the world, but it's still a scam.

Thumbnail of user simrank38
1 review
0 helpful votes
May 7th, 2021

I was a gr8 experience having this subscription i am going to suggest my frnds about this also. I was helping in different ways and easy to use also

Thumbnail of user christiano17
1 review
5 helpful votes
June 1st, 2017

Literally charged me $6 for a free trial, I asked for the money back, they told me it was a processing fee, bull$#*!, don't trust these people

Thumbnail of user neilizjorgeb
1 review
0 helpful votes
February 9th, 2019

Sally employee #1035 was very helpful and very professional. I was under the impression that it was a 1 time charge and was charge for a year sally attempted to offer me a lower rate but I no longer needed the services I didn't feel pressured at all and she was very very helpful I would recommend this to anyone that I know that could use the services

Thumbnail of user euans8
2 reviews
0 helpful votes
December 5th, 2018

Created a fantastic CV, that will be used for every job application i can find! Will recomment to friends for sure!

Thumbnail of user susann92
1 review
0 helpful votes
July 19th, 2015

This was my first time use a service, a little hesitant, but I am glad I did. My finished resume looks great, much better than my version.
Overall response was timely, helped with corrections, suggested improvements and gave me feedback to questions.
Would I do it again, absolutely, for me my money was well spent.

Thumbnail of user vasaasaasl
1 review
2 helpful votes
July 4th, 2020

I come back to my resume on this site after a year, and they deleted my references. Lucky I made a copy, but still DONT $#*! WITH STUFF $#*!S. LEAVE THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE $#*!S. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME $#*!S? GOOD

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