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12 questions answered
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I lean towards scam too, and I'm pretty sure, because I could compare it with a legit site Real girls on a legit site act differently: they aren't online 24/7, they don't want to chat for 4 hours and they are ready to meet pretty soon. None of that on Asiacharm, on the contrary, all they want to do is chat with you so that you keep spending your money, apparently they get a certain commission from what you spend in chat.

By Tom A.
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Hi are the women profile real live women or are they fake models or staff employees profile?


Look at photos of 60plus year olds, wrinkle free, firm boobs... Asia Charm is in the business to make money, not get people together

By matt s.
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Do asian charm women pay credits for messaging and email like men ?


Lol no no no alla scam and i got over 700 mails fromseveral girls so it cost 10m credits to send mail ok so at 700thats a lot of cash lol. Also got aabout 5o0 bucks of messaages a day from several girls aand women lolso they all would have to make lots of cash every day lol no way and most girls are on all the time lolso whendo the so called doctors. Or any of them work at the jobs they say they have? Lolo like you have to be blind not to see that this is allfaake; ololo Just to add ive got several pgotos sent also ar 10 credits each lolso again on aaverage most of thse girls spent like well over 200 american bucks a day lolowow...

By Marty W.
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Is the website run by artificial intelligence? everytime i open a letter from a model, she immediately would be online!


It seems to be a computer program that processes your mail and in most cases gets back at you with a question designed for you to spend more money. Specific questions in 99% of cases will not be addressed and you cannot exchange personal contact info, the site will block it out

By matt s.
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I am wondering how these women can continue to pay for this dating site, it seems very pricy to continue a conversation?


You pay, the women get commission for every letter, photo or mail you send

By matt s.
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Yes, are the profile on asia charm real people or fake profiles?


Some are real some are absolute fakes check the other sites that are similar. They are in fact so similar that I believe they are all or mostly owned by the same group. They pay the girls based on their volume.

By Tony P.
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Maybe because they would have to have them to post them. Zero real connections equals zero to post.

By Joseph K.

What about an asian woman claiming to be wealthy and want to travel to your country to meet you face to face to get to know each better to get marri?


They get paid by how many credits they get you to spend. The profiles are supplied by "Independent Contractors " who get paid by how much money these profiles generate for the site. The site denies any responsibility for the quality of the "Ladies" that are supplied to them from these independent contractors. They also deny any responsibility to their male customers.

By Joseph K.


Absolutely, yes. There are a several, but from the ladies I've spoken with told me that they received a lot of pervs asking for naked photo's, so they're real cautious with those. Keep in mind that these ladies do work, but many are retired, and most of them left their husbands because of being cheated. Men to women ratio is unbelievable. I believe when they are 50 years of age, they receive a set amount from the government. It's not much to us here in the states, but it's enough to them by, so this is why many are looking for a way out of their country. But, think about. Wouldn't you do the same too. Overall, I found a few, but some are very limited, less members. I'll end it with this. These ladies are legit! Good, honest, respectful and kind. They just want to find a man that will do the same. They are such a loyal ladies. I only wish that I knew about this a long time ago. I am in my 50's and I've probably have 30 women that wants to communicate with me, but you need to stay focused. Don't jump the gun and reply to the first one. Believe me, more and more signs up every day, and majority are very nice, so I would say give it about a week, then make your picks. I have one that I've been talking with and she just sent me an email saying that she wants to come next month in November to make see that I'm for real, so I can't wait. There's one important thing though. Do not visit them first. This is very disrespectful. Let them come to you, and if things go well, She'll want you to go back with her to meet her family. When that is asked, you're done... of the market! Good luck to all of you! Austin Texas.

By AG U.


1) Approach these types of sites for foreign brides with extreme skepticism. I have no doubt there may be some real diamonds in the haystack, but they are likely less than 10% of the profiles you will see. 2) If you want to interact with someone on the site, a good analogy is playing the slots or blackjack in a casino. At the casino, you keep dropping quarters or $1 coins and occasionally get a few back At the blackjack tables, in the afternoon, you might be lucky to find a $2 or $3 table, but by 5 pm the minimum play per hand is $5 and by 8pm $10. The e-mail on As Charm is the same, first letter $20 credits, everything after is $30 credits 2a) Just like in Vegas where the casinos make you buy chips, this site makes you buy 'credits' to play. Anyone in Psychology 101 knows the reason for this is the average person is reluctant to part with 'money' (it's too easy to see how much you've spent) but more difficult to keep track of the value of the red/blue/yellow/green and black chips in front of you. The casinos create an environment where it seems like you are playing with monopoly money, not the real stufff. As Charm does the same, it's trickier to have you pay 2 credits, 10 credits, 50 credits when you forget that each credit is costing you between $0.28 and $0.44 each (depending on which 'package' you buy. If you can train yourself to think in 'real' dollars, you'll be much more aware of how quickly you are draining your $25, $45, $70 package. 3) NEVER, EVER use your own credit card or debit card, if you feel you must purchase credits, go to your local market and buy a gift Visa or Mastercard and use that to pay. Then, As Charm and sister sites will never be able to tap your actual bank account, only up to the max value of the gift card. 3a) Credit card companies will reimburse you for fraudulent/disputed transactions as well as they can put a block on that payee from hitting your account again (but you could be playing whack-a-mole if the sister sites start billing). YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SAME PROTECTION if you use your debit card, banks are not required to offer the same dispute standards 4) If the photos look professionally done, they are, and they are obvious. Examples might include the girl's hair blowing in the wind. If you have kids, you know when they take school photographs that they can pose your child in front of all types of fake backgrounds, like standing next to the library shelf or in front of a green foliage background. Again, be skeptical, look for the same type of faux background. Clues might be no shadows on the ground, or the girl is standing in front of everything and all the action is behind her. 4a) Real people might only post 1 or 2 picture. The bot profiles will usually have 6 - 10, with multiple shots in the same outfit but in different poses and 3 - 5 hidden photos that you can only see once you begin to chat with the girl 4b) It's pretty easy to spot real pictures that were not taken of models, the framing and lighting won't be perfect, the backgrounds won't be so pristine. 4c) If the girl has perfect smooth, silky skin, BULL$#*! ALERT. Real people have wrinkles, crows feet around the eyes, double chin, blemishes, scars, freckles, blackheads etc, 5) If you start to see the same clothing being worn on multiple profiles, probably a fake profile 6) Anyone asking you to buy them gifts in the first 40 messages, BULL$#*! ALERT 7) Anyone asking you to send money for thier sick parent/grandparent/sibling/child, BULL$#*! ALERT 8) If you are receiving the same cycle of messages over and over, sometimes only 1 message, sometimes 2, the most I've seen is three, BULL$#*! ALERT. 9) If you are seeing the same message wording on multiple profiles, BULL$#*! ALERT 10) If her message says not to worry about money and you'll never have to work again because she/her family are fabulously rich, BULL$#*! ALERT 11) Does the age /weight/ height of the person in the picture 'fit' the profile description? I'd estimate most of the 'potentially legitimate' profiles I've come across belong to women over age 45, but you will see pictures of some older women make them look 20 - 25 years old. 11a) Most older women 'plump out' as they age, so you should see some rolls of fat, love handles, turkey neck hanging from the upper arms, thickness in the face 11b) The vast majority of Asian women, don't age well, they tend to look more shriveled up, like a raisin, again, look at the skin characteristics 12) Fake boobs. I don't know how prevalent silicon breasts are in Asia, particularly China, but the overwhelming majority of profiles I've come across all have fake racks 13) If you've found someone you think is the real thing, when you message back and forth, is the response appropriate to the question. AI works off of key words, so you may see an automatic response rather than a specific response 13a) Ask open questions that a AI bot can't answer. My favorite is "which of you photos do you think is my favorite?" Out of asking that question 30+times, in only two instances did i receive a response that seemed to make sense, if the girl responded to the question at all. 13b) Another favorite of mine is to tell the girl she reminds me of (fill in the blank) actress or singer and ask if she knows or has seen them I would expect the answer to be 'NO,' just as I couldn't name more than 2 or 3 chinese actors or musicians. You might use the name of a male actor to see if the girl catches it. For bonus points, send a YouTube video link and see if you get any response to the action in that scene. 113c) Send a message of total gibberish, random keystrokes and see if the reply makes sense. Since it won't translate, a real girl would reply What, I don't understand, what do you mean? 13d) Send a sentence in Spanish, French or German, does the reply make sense 14) Hong Kong, Korean and perhaps Filipina women can be very forward, like New Yorkers, but most Asians are not. Any opening messages that claim how much they love you, know you are the right fit and want a trustworthy loyal husband to take care of, BULL$#*! ALERT. 15) A number of times you may get messages indicating they have their visa and can you pick them up at the airport on (the 30th), You might say yes you will, but expect them to ask you to send money for the cost of the flight or other costs BULL$#*! ALERT 16) In controlled counties like China, where even internal travel is difficult (you need a permit to travel from the countryside into most larger cities, any girl sying how much she loves to travel should be suspect, BULL$#*! ALERT. 16a) If the girl says she wants to travel the world, ask where she has been so far? 17) Be conscientious of time zone differences. Is it 3am in China when the girl is sending you emails or messages?) 18) Remember, be skeptical, rinse, wash, repeat. It's your money, spend it as you wish. I for one, think of As Charm as being equivalent to the 'virtual' weapons or similar you might buy if you are a gamer. 19) NEVER, EVER click/pay to see more photos, open an audio or video message or any of the other 'up-sell' gimmicks, especially if they are being sent without your asking. They are click-bait to get you to use your credits up faster 20) Don't pay for stickers and other click candy. You can insert emojis in a message reply. You may need to create the sentence in Word, cut and paste into the message box 21) My last test, since the site wants you to part with 3,000 credits to exchange contact information, is to indicate will be traveling to 'country' soon, you will be in such & such city at such & such hotel and ask them to meet you there. Pick a name of the city which is different from the one in her profile, or don't name this city, but something it is known for that AI likely wouldn't process. For instance, I'll be in Guangzhou for the toy fair or Chengdu for Cherry Blossom Festival, or make up your own event. Does the reply match the information you've just given? BULL$#*! ALERT 22) If you are receiving messages from potential brides telling you how handsome you are, and your the man they've always been dreaming of, before you've posted any pictures, BULL$#*! ALERT. 23) Websites based in Cyprus or an island in the Caribbean should ALWAYS be treated with skepticism. These countries have very lax fraud and consumer protection laws. Think of this as similar to the way US cruise ships use a Panamanian flag of convenience' to avoid US regulations 24) There are no doubt many more red flags out there that should be activating your BULL$#*! ALERT, but I hope you find this list to be fairly comprehensive.

By Rocky-and- B.

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