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Thumbnail of user silval
2 reviews
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October 19th, 2017

Bought tickets throe this site 3 weeks before the concert. They were suppose to arrive a week before the concert. We bought return flight tickets to Paris, booked a hotel, took unpaid time of work... When the tickets did not arrive we started emailing, contacted them throe their website..., no luck, tried calling them, there are no numbers. Discovered that they are bought by another bigger company Stubhub, tried calling them, (on old for hours) eventually some one answered but said he could not help as that is not his department! Someone called and said that they have not even sent the tickets and that we should send them the address in Paris and they would send them there and we should sit in the house and wait for them as they will only attempt to deliver them once, so no sightseeing! Next day, still no tickets and no tracking number and yes you guessed it, no answer from them on the phone or email. We are in Paris with no tickets to the concert we already paid for. Horror, they should be shut down

Date of experience: October 19, 2017

Thumbnail of user alang62
New Jersey
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September 14th, 2016

Esta empresa es una vergüenza, me han estafado. Compre entradas para el R. Madrid-Osasuna, resultaron ser falsas y ahora no se quieren responsabilizar. Exijo que me devuelvan mi dinero. Por favor leer abajo respuesta oficial del Real Madrid cuando puse la denuncia.

From: Atención al publico del REAL MADRID C. F. -atencionpublico
To: Alan G
Date: Tue, Sep 13,2016 at 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Entradas falsas partido Madrid - Osasuna

Buenos días Alan

No podemos facilitarle ningún de las entradas en virtud de la ley 15/99 de Protección de datos, al no ser usted el titular de la misma.

Si usted ha denunciado la situación a ticketbis, empresa no oficial, que vende entradas sin ningún tipo de autorización administrativa por parte del Club, ellos saben perfectamente que no le podemos dar información de las entradas, porque no es el Titular de la compra de las entradas, y están simple y llanamente jugando con usted, y achacarán que si no disponen de dicha información no pueden devolverle el dinero sabiendo que nunca la podrá obtener.

Ante lo cual, le solicitamos que si no ha hecho denuncia Policial, la realice ante el timo que ha sido objeto por parte de Ticketbis.

Saludos, Antonio

Oficina de Atención al Público
902 32 18 09

Hazte Madridista
Realmadrid /aficion/madridistas

Date of experience: September 14, 2016

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Compra y vende tus entradas para deportes, conciertos, teatro y m? S eventos de forma r? Pida y segura en StubHub.

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