Announcing The Fresh Sitejabber

Announcing The Fresh Sitejabber article cover

To kick off 2020, the Sitejabber team is thrilled to share with you our new look.

Beginning at the drawing board, we thought about how we could elevate our website to strengthen our ability to meet the needs of consumers. We are proud to share the new tools we’ve created that stem from the core of Sitejabber: the experiences shared by the community across our reviews.

Our completely redesigned website includes a new Sitejabber layout, thousands of restructured reviews pages, and new category page filters.


  • Reviews filter to prioritize your personal preferences
  • Verified purchases for added confidence
  • Comparison tool to see how businesses stack up against each other

Our goal is to take the next step in providing all the tools necessary for consumers to make the most informed buying decisions. Here, we’ll give you a brief overview of the key changes. To take advantage of all of our latest features, join the community at Sitejabber!

Reviews Pages

After avoiding a scam by reading a Sitejabber reviews page, you might breathe a sigh of relief, or catch your breath at the sight of our latest design. (Just us?)

While we are excited about the fresh format, we also constructed the layout for clarity and easy access for the comprehensive features we’re about to dive into.

Reviews Filter

As the leading consumer destination, the heart of Sitejabber is still its reviews. We’ve created a detailed filter that caters to how you want to search for ratings and reviews.

Click the dropdown arrow to sort results by relevancy, helpful characteristics, recency, or rating. You can now select your preferences to refine the review results. Besides filtering by star rating, you can choose a timeframe, reviews with images, and verified purchases. 

Reviews written by consumers who have provided proof of purchase are marked as Verified purchases. For an extra layer of authenticity, add “verified purchases” to your filter to read through a list of reviews you know you can trust.

Popular Keywords

Want to discover what reviewers are experiencing before you buy? The popular keywords section gives you direct access to the common experiences customers are discussing. Click on a keyword to see a list of reviews providing personal experiences and tips on the subject.


Looking for order-specific information? It’s an easy tab switch to the Q&A section. Your question may have already been asked and answered by our community! Don’t see your question? Quickly submit your query to receive answers from experienced customers or the company staff themselves.

Ratings Trends

Considering buying from a brand for the first time? You can now check their overall reputation for the past five years.

By clicking “View ratings trends,” you can see how a business is trending and if they are improving over time.

Positive & Critical Highlights

Don’t have time to read hundreds of reviews? While reading reviews yourself is the best way to have a holistic understanding of a business, we’ve created an overview of what reviewers want you to know. Now you’ll be able to quickly read “positive highlights” and “critical highlights” on every reviews page. We’ve researched the reviews to inform you of the most commonly reported highlights and critiques, specific to each business.

Category Pages

Business Filter

Browsing for a new site to shop for your next event? Our brand new category pages provide a one-stop spot to research the best companies for your needs. Click on the category you’re looking for, and filter by star rating, service, value, shipping, returns, quality, and price point.

For categories such as wedding dresses, we also feature a full guide of everything you need to consider as you shop.

Business Comparison Tool

Ever wanted to compare all your options in one place, without cluttering your browser by opening dozens of tabs? We’re excited to announce our brand new comparison tool. Available on each category page, select up to five brands by clicking their respective “compare” boxes.

Evaluate each business side-by-side by Sitejabber metrics, refund policy, money-back guarantee, price, and if they provide free shipping. Before you make your next purchase, make sure you’re shopping the best deal with this comparison tool!

From Our Team To You

The Sitejabber redesign has been a long journey for our team to rethink our website for consumers across the world wide web. As the top trusted reviews platform, we will continue to push forward our mission of complete transparency between all businesses and consumers.

It’s time to take a look around Sitejabber! We look forward to any feedback you’ll have for us.