New Year, New Gear: 4 Mind-Blowing Gadgets to Upgrade Your 2024

New Year, New Gear: 4 Mind-Blowing Gadgets to Upgrade Your 2024 article cover

Forget flying cars and robot maids – the future of tech is arriving in bite-sized, real-life gadgets you can actually own in 2024. We’re talking AR glasses that double as sunglasses, and even learning enhancers that aim to hack your brain and make learning easier and faster than you can imagine (where was this when I was in school?). Check them out here, and find out where to snag them, too:

1. AR Glasses That Make You Look Like a Cyberpunk Rockstar:

AR and VR are still largely associated with bulky headsets, but XREAL’s Air series of AR glasses are flipping the script with sleek shades you’ll actually feel comfortable (and chic) wearing out of the house. These bad boys overlay your world with digital info, right in your field of vision. And the use-cases are endless, including translating languages on the fly, displaying workout stats, and even recommending hidden gems as you explore a new city. Prices start at $339.

2. The Headband That Hacks Your Sleep for Peak Performance:

Forget counting sheep! The Muse headband isn’t your average sleep tracker. This sleek 2024 upgrade analyzes your brainwaves and body signals throughout the night, not just sleep stages – plus it’s also ideal for meditation. Imagine personalized biofeedback in real-time, guiding you through gentle micro-adjustments like temperature changes or soothing sounds to optimize rest quality and boost focus. Reviewers rave about its non-invasive design, personalized sleep reports, and the ability to finally wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day. It’s like having a tiny sleep whisperer tailoring your slumber to unlock your best rest yet. Prices start at around $295.

3. The Biometric Ring That Knows You Better Than Your BFF:

This definitely isn’t your average Fitbit. The Oura Ring tracks not just steps and sleep, but stress levels, blood pressure, and even your emotional state. Think personalized workouts that adapt to your mood, meditation prompts triggered by anxiety, and insights into your overall well-being that your therapist wishes they had. Prices start at $299.

4. The Brain-Boosting Headset That Makes You a Learning Machine:

It’s not just a futuristic-looking headband – it’s essentially a portal to supercharged learning. The FocusCalm headset uses neurostimulation to enhance your focus, memory, and cognitive abilities. Imagine mastering new skills faster, retaining information with ease, and feeling mentally sharper than ever. Reviewers love its relaxing yet energizing effects, the ability to customize sessions for different needs, and the feeling of unlocking their full brainpower. Prices start at $250.

Bonus: The AI Sous Chef Who Doesn’t Hog the Counter (and Does Your Dishes):

Move over, Instant Pot, and make way, beloved air fryers: There’s a new kitchen whiz in town. Meet the Moley Robotic Chef, a countertop marvel that can chop, whisk, saute, and even clean up after itself. This culinary companion analyzes your preferences and dietary needs, crafting personalized meals and guiding you through the process like a sous chef with a Michelin pedigree. 

That said, this is no “gadget”. A fully-functional, premium version with robotic arms to do literally all the work for you costs at least $300k. So, saying it’s not exactly for everyone would be an understatement… but boy is it a great example of how far technology has come.

Tech will continuously redefine how we live, work, and connect. Which one will you upgrade your life with first?