I was called on 2 times to revise a job that only paid $6.00. Anyone else have trouble with Writerbay complaining about what you wrote in order to get out of paying you? I spent 17 hours doing this job! It called me on not reading the instructions correctly! I don't think they want to pay at all.

asked by Irene S. on 5/24/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user prithad1

I joined Writerbay in 2012. It was good then, but over the last one year, the working condition in the company has turned extremely poor. They have reduced pay rate. Earlier during peak season, there used to be a lot of high paying projects available, some even paying $15-$20 per page, but now you will hardly get any project paying over $6 per page and I am a Pro writer. They have started treating writers like a slave. Not a good freelancing site to work in. There are numerous other sites and companies hiring freelancr writers. You don't need to depend on this one site for your earning.

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Thumbnail of user aarons58

I encountered the same thing recently: I had to revise my first few submissions for them an annoying number of times. I also wondered the same thing, about the motive behind the revision requests... I stuck with it, though, and am glad I did.

I've done occasional work for them over the past 2 months or so, and it's fine now. It's really like a lot of new jobs (though with no OTJ training, of course) where there's some initial tension until you get used to the employer's likes and dislikes.

It's not a dream job or anything but as a way to pick up some extra cash, and get paid for writing (of any kind), it's not bad.

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Thumbnail of user chelseam4

Naushin, don't resort to calling somebody a racist when it's quite obvious from your message that your command of English is not perfect. They have high expectations towards the quality of papers their freelancers deliver, that's true. I'll stick with Aaron and say it's a good side job to earn some extra cash and get paid for what you like doing - which is, researching and writing.

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Thumbnail of user naushini

I will rather agree to Jermia that this new manager by the name of Claire is real racist. My account was also terminated before a week or so, claiming low quality product delivery as the reason of termination. Even though, I never had complaints or late deliveries. Unfortunately, there is no other options for writer but stay submissive with the decision of company. Loosing a resource like me, with a training of two years and 24 / 7 service, is more of a loss for company than for freelancer. After all, company have to invest time in training and development.

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