School Solver Questions & Answers

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بالإجابة عن الاسئلة وتقديم النصائح العملية في المجتمع

By عثمان ا.
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Anything for getting à job ans work


انا ابحث عن وضيفة لمساعدة المدرسة وان المدرسة يا العلم النافع والاجتهاد ويخرج منها اجيال وأجيال والمدرسة لترفيه وتعلم مساعدة الاخرين

By Ahmad A.

About the money


Money is a medium of exchange and a unit of account widely used in economic transactions. It serves as a measure of value and allows people to trade goods and services more efficiently than bartering. Modern economies typically use currency (such as coins and banknotes) and digital forms of money (like bank deposits and electronic transfers) to facilitate trade and economic activities. Money comes in various forms, including cash, digital currencies, and even cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It plays a crucial role in the functioning of economies around the world.

By Durga Mahesh D.
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How much capital is require to set e-commerce business


ChatGPT 3.5 User How much capital is require to set e-commerce business ChatGPT The capital required to start an e-commerce business can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of products you plan to sell, the scale of your operation, marketing strategies, and technology infrastructure. It's recommended to conduct a thorough business plan to estimate costs, including website development, inventory, marketing, and operational expenses. Small-scale ventures may start with a few thousand dollars, while larger operations could require significant investments.

By Tanmay P.
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اريد انا اعرف كيف يجني المال من هذا التطبيق


عليك النظر و البحث في هذا الموقع بطريقه صحيحة و الشتراك كذلك بطريقة صائب و شكرآ

By Omar C.
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What grafting


Grafting is a horticultural technique used to join together parts from two or more plants so that they grow as a single plant. The upper part of the graft, known as the scion, is attached to the rootstock or the lower part. This method is commonly employed in fruit tree cultivation to combine desirable traits of different varieties. There are various types of grafting techniques, including cleft grafting, whip and tongue grafting, and bud grafting, each serving different purposes in plant propagation. Grafting is widely used to improve plant characteristics, enhance disease resistance, or facilitate the growth of certain plant varieties.

By Jerry R.
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كيف يمكن تخطي الفشل والخسائر


ان تعمل على ما هو احسن و كن تشتغل بعزم و ثبات و ان تفكر في المستقبل و تنسى الماضي

By Omar C.
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How to earn money


By work By marketing By sing a Sony By foodbol player By stole By influencer

By Ümmühan S.
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اجل اريد ان اعمل في هدا التطبيق


Please help me or tell me the way through which I can earn money from this application without complications. Please love m

By Batool A.

What is the meaning of coking?


Coking typically refers to the process of heating coal in the absence of air to produce coke, a solid carbonaceous residue. This process is often used in the production of steel, as coke is a key ingredient in the manufacturing of iron and steel.

By Omer S.

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